June 15, 2018

Network Facebook for Lead Generation

Your ideal clients are on Facebook you just need to know how to turn them into leads...

Networking and lead generation on Facebook is a mystery to a lot of Coaches, Consultants & Experts. In this training, I'll be giving away my best tips on how to generate leads on FB. I'll be taking you through my simple 3 step process...

1. Build Relationships

2. Position Yourself as the Expert

3. Funnel into your nurture sequence

I want to give a huge shout out to these amazing Leaders for their influence on turning me from sleazy spammer to Facebook Leader, and who have taught me a lot of the tips and tricks you see in this training...

Jessica Lorimer 7 Figure Sales Coach who has coached me personally for a long period of time and credit a lot of my success to. Check out her simple sales strategies... Grow, Nurture, Sell

Helen Packham Networking Legend & Leadership Coach who I have worked with and who has given me some great networking tips over the years.

Jill & Josh Stanton who I've not worked with personally but have learned a lot from during their trainings on mastering Facebook specifically.

Work with Jen...

If you'd like to discuss how you can build your tribe full of the right people through finding clarity on your coaching niche and on who you serve so you can monetise your unique skills, then just book a call with Jen Hall here bit.ly/ClarityCallJenHall

Sign up to my FREE Expert Unrivalled Membership and...

Gain full access to all my video training and informative articles on client attraction & conversion, business mindset miracles and business alignment specially designed for Coaches, Consultants & Experts so you can become the most desired option in your niche.

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About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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