December 3, 2018

marketing lies

A marketing lie that is going to hurt...

Like, it's really going to hurt!

Because you'll probably have found yourself saying this to someone else at some point.

Why?...Because you're a nice person!

But the problem is, there is so much advice that is given with the best of intentions but is actually killing your business success. Pandering to someone just to make them feel better in the moment isn't going to help them with their long term success.

The Lie...

Brace yourself and get ready for the lie you've been told and you're probably telling...

''Your ideal clients could never be bored of you!''
"Yes they can! And they do!"

Just because they are ideal clients doesn't mean they love you unconditionally. Even if they were raving fans, that doesn't mean that they won't get bored if you put out stuff that isn't resonating or hitting the spot. I love my daughter and I'd like to think I'm her ideal mummy. But I'm also human, and there's only so many times she can make me watch Peppa Pig before I want to end it all.

Saying that people don't get bored of you, leads you to produce more drivel that just gets ignored. 

Your ideal client doesn't want to hear about how great NLP is. They want to hear about how they're going to solve their problems and achieve their desires.

They don't want to hear the same message being plugged out there like every other entrepreneur. They've seen it, heard it and they're tuning out.

My fear is so many people will be reading this and thinking well that means I'm screwed, because I'm really boring.

Here's the truth...

You are not boring, really you're not. But your content could be if you're creating from your left brain instead of your right brain, heart & gut...

In order to create interesting content, you have to create stuff that:-

  • MEANS something to your ideal clients. They will only find it to be awesome if they can connect it with themselves and THEIR wants. And desires, problems, beliefs, values, opinions...
  • Brings them something different, fresh & new that they haven't come across before. With so much content being created, people are actively tuning out. They need something that appeals to their intellect and offers to show them a different perspective they haven't explored before.
  • Comes from the heart and spoken or written with absolute passion, zest and power. You have to connect with your audience emotionally, so come from a place of emotion.

And of course, let's not forget, everyone loves a good nose behind the scenes of what's going on professionally and personally.

To Conclude...

There is an art to creating content that stands out and grabs attention. But it is an art that can be learned. You're not going to get it right all the time. Goodness knows I don't. But unless you make an effort to produce something that hits those three things above, it's likely that you're going to be ignored. Not because you're not amazing, but because what you're putting out there isn't bottling it up right.

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About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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