October 19, 2018

The 7 Best Ways to Know Whether Your Content is Crushing it or NOT!

Creating content that truly crushes it is an art and only comes with learning. Note I didn't say practice. Obviously our writing/content marketing skills get better with practice absolutely but we also have to learn both in copywriting skill and testing what works and doesn't work for our audience.

Engagement with your content can be a great sign that people are 'digging' (i'm seriously down with the kids this morning) what you're putting out there.

Here are the Top 7 Engagement Types to Know Whether Your Content Marketing is Crushing It... or Not


Likes, loves and wows are a great sign that people 'like' what you do but it still ranks lowest. People can still 'like' your stuff without physically liking it.


Comments are a better sign that your content is hitting the mark. But beware of the type of comments - some people feel compelled to comment to showcase their own expertise and visibility - this does not mean they will become a client (they still might but it's not a sign). Some people will comment because they disagree.

But the comments to look out for are comments that are in agreement, show interest or even better, comments that ask questions. 

5. Conversation

If you can enter into conversation with these people on the thread you are able to further build more intimate relationships and move people from the friend zone to the client zone.

Responding to all comments regardless of the type of comment, is very important. It adds to the contents engagement and reach, and it starts conversation and keeps the content 'alive'. All of these 'good or bad' comments, get attention and will expand the reach to more people including your ideal client.

A negative comment isn't a bad thing, it gives you the opportunity to respond with class and with your view point to position yourself as a confident authority. You'll also find those that agree with you will feel more compelled to comment as well because they jump to defend the perspective of the content and it's author.


There is one type of engagement that is a jackpot for your visibility that trumps likes, comments and even click-throughs for a visibility goal (see no.1), and that's 'shares'. If your content is shared this is a sure sign that someone really and truly resonates and loves your content.

A share will increase the reach and is social proof that this person not only likes it but is wholeheartedly in agreement/in love/totally resonates with what you have to say. They might share it because it's useful, but more often than not, people share because they're in agreement with a sentiment or an opinion and by sharing it, it sends a message out to the world that they are well and truly in agreement and in alignment with that way of thinking. It shows the world something about their identity and what they stand for.

3. Passive Engagement

I know this one ranks at number 3! Shocking but hear me out...

One thing that was said to me when I first started out that I still stand by, is that 'likes and comments don't build a business'. There is an element of trust when it comes to your content and making sales. Not everyone actively engages but that doesn't mean it's not making an impact on them. 

I get a tonne of sales from people who have been passively following me, some I've never heard of and some have NEVER physically 'liked', commented or shared my stuff. But they are still engaging by clicking through or even reading/watching/listening silently.

2. 'Click-Throughs'

Writing epic headlines is what will get the most important piece of engagement - 'click-throughs'. If people aren't clicking through to read/watch/listen then they're not even passively engaged and you're being overlooked so this is imperative! I use an online tool called 'bit.ly' to measure this.

The biggest rule of content is that people have to care about your content. Both in the headline AND beyond. 

1. Leads & Sales

Leads and sales is the number one way to know if you're crushing it with your content marketing. If people aren't opting-in and/or buying, then it's not working (that's assuming you're creating your content for your business). I'm not suggesting that people read/watch/listen to something once and will then become your client (even though let me tell you, I have clients who have done just that) but some people need more time to make a decision so...

Ask your clients how they first heard about you, track as much as you can where people made their first touch point with you and through what content did they join your group or list. Understanding where your sales are coming from will help you to understand what content is working and that you either need to create more of that type OR repurpose it, reshare it, reuse it or scale it up (put it on an ad). See below for more info in converting surface level engagement to buying engagement.

How to Boost Engagement

Asides from the obvious advice that you should be asking for engagement - telling them to comment, share, ask questions, respond to your question etc.

Your content needs to come from the heart and needs to resonate with your ideal client, either because it's useful or because it speaks 'truth' to them. 

How to Convert 'Engagers' into Paying Clients

In order to convert these people into clients, they need to know why they should follow you further, that you have something of value to offer them. So a clear call to action at the end of your content (where you're able) is important to pull them into your domain (list, group etc) so you can nurture and convert them into paying clients. Offering something of further use to them specifically (that then leads into a relevant paid offer) will lead them through congruent funnel to becoming paid clients.

This means you have to be clear on 'who' you're speaking to when you're writing, and not just in terms of demographics, I'm talking about the values and world views your ideal clients have. 

Your content should be something that's either useful to them or that resonates with them. 

Do you struggle to write content?

If you struggle to write content it's likely because you're struggling to define who it is you actually help or perhaps you know who, but you're struggling to identify with their true desires, problems, unique views, motivations and priorities.

Once you know 'who' at a deep level, the creation becomes effortless. Content that helps them solve their biggest problems, content that resonates with their views or even content that creates a new way of thinking or offers a new way of doing things to give your ideal clients hope that they can achieve their goals/desires/overcome their issues.

***There is ONE spot left for the Monetise Your Message programme and the doors officially close at midnight! Times running out to take this opportunity!

Transform your business from overlooked to an irresistible offering! Accelerate your clarity on your ideal client, money making niche and desirability factor so you can create content that converts - don't waste another moment, join the other awesome action takers here. 

It's time to Jump in!***

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About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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