If it didn’t sell at the first price point, you didn’t sell it right!
Discounting isn’t going to make it any more delicious.
In fact, discounting on service-based (live delivered) packages will only damage your business.
Regularly discounting (and sometimes even once) on your services means that your audience will always be waiting for you to run your discount again because that’s now the perceived worth.
Discounting means that you’ll attract the people that didn’t see it’s value in the first place but they’ll give a half-arsed punt this time around and see what happens – hardly the clients we want to be attracting and working with?
When you discount live delivered services you’re discounting yourself and your worth.
It’s also really important to think of the impact discounting can have on your current clients or previous clients. The lifetime value of a current client is worth more to you than fresh blood and how do they feel when they have had to save and pull together the full whack and the next day it’s cheaper?
It’s not the price point that’s the problem, it’s your product, positioning, profile and communication of the value and transformation you/the product brings to the table.
Early bird discounts reward the action takers and loyal followers. Discounts that come after tend to be because of our own desperation to sell and can punish those that believed in themselves and in you to invest on it’s worth.
Pricing your products is a direct reflection of how you and others perceive the value. Communicate that right and you won’t need to bend.
If they can’t see the value, that’s why it’s not selling, it has nothing to with price. Position yourself as the BEST option in the market, and people WILL pay your worth.