February 23, 2021

celebrating client wins

One of the best parts of my job is seeing clients become market leaders in their industry.

Here are some recent client wins and testimonials about what it’s really like to be part of the Elevate programme.

Cora Darlington – Radical Self-Nurture Specialist & Emotional Resilience Coach

“Working with Jen has completely transformed my business. Within the first two months, I had already more than covered my high ticket investment with Jen. Since then I’ve gone on to double my income. I’ve added thousands of recurring revenue every month as well.

“I am really clear on what makes me stand out as a unique offering in my field. And I’ve already received comments on my positioning and credibility. What I REALLY love is that she truly is on the team with you. Jen makes sure you achieve exactly what you want.”

Lucy Orton – Anti-Self Sabotage and Positive Psychology Coach

“Working with Jen in the Elevate programme is a complete and utter game-changer. From the moment we started working together, I had immediate clarity about my business’ direction. And who I serve.

Before, there was months of uncertainty and floundering in different directions. All with different products and offerings. After my first session with Jen, my messaging flowed effortlessly. And I have a clear blueprint for achieving my goal level of success. 

“Jen helped uncover my niche, package my offers and develop my USP. This has enabled me to absolutely own my expertise. And grow my reputation as a market leader. Ultimately, I can charge more for my coaching services.

“In the last six months (through lockdown, homeschooling and more) I have grown a following, a mailing list, created a UK Top-7 podcast, been invited to speak at events and attracted wonderful ideal clients into my world. 

“I am excited to continue working with Jen in 2021. I know she will be the champion I need in pushing my business and income goals to the next level. As a business coach and mentor Jen is an absolute pleasure to work with. I always look forward to our calls. She’s a super-quick and laser-focused thinker and is incredibly responsive and generous with her time and knowledge; I’ve learnt so much from her already.

“From the moment I became aware of Jen, I knew I wanted to work with her and already Elevate has surpassed expectations with Jen overdelivering time and again and providing masses of value in so many ways. If you’re thinking about working with Jen, don’t hesitate, it’ll be the best business investment you make and will set you on course for huge success in 2021!”

Colleen Kochannek – The Scrappy Frontier

“When it was time to get real about my business and scale it up I knew I wanted to work with Jen.

“Jen is such a smart businesswoman and the Elevate program is worth every second you get with her and every idea she shares. I’m so glad I invested in it.

“As small business owners we’re often too close to our own business to be able to step back and look at things from a fresh perspective. That’s where Jen comes in. I appreciate many things about Jen, but mostly it’s her transparency and willingness to challenge me and my decisions, she has fresh eyes and unbiased advice.

“On more than one occasion she’s gotten me back on track and working towards the things I had told her were goals – but had started getting away from me.

“Jen is also amazing with messaging, especially in the nitty-gritty details to make sure it resonates and engages with the ideal client I truly want to attract.

“She’s also super strategic around product creation and launching. She’s helped me simplify my business and saved me from taking on too much, giving me space to create and launch great products for my business.”

About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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