October 17, 2018

impostor syndrome

This is important for me to share because it is something I have battled with all my life, and I know many other experts have as well...

My Journey...

I find that when we first learn a little, we actually have more confidence and passion to share it.

Until we realise that actually the topic runs a lot deeper than we originally realised. We go through a space of losing confidence because we don't know it all.

So we continue to learn and dive deeper in a quest to become a TRUE expert. Still we still don't feel like we know EVERYTHING. As we dive deeper we realise that the topic also runs as wide as it does deep. We realise actually there is no one size fits all approach. Everyone and everything is individual.

This can leave us feeling like we don't know enough to call ourselves an expert. It creates these feelings of self-doubt and 'impostor syndrome'. This leads to undercharging and undervaluing what we do. In some extreme cases, it stops us putting ourselves out there altogether.

All the while not recognising that we will NEVER know it all. But in our quest to know more, 'we have indeed become a true expert'.


  • Embrace the power in admitting we are not all knowing. It's been proven that by being honest about this with your following actually builds more trust. As, when you are certain about something, they feel in total confidence in the truth of what you have to say.
  • Embrace the unknown, the new, and the endless possibilities. Know your boundaries. Be ready to be proven wrong. But KNOW that you KNOW more than enough to change peoples lives.
  • Specialise in your expertise for a certain type of person and you will boost your own confidence. This is in the knowledge that you have a better chance of feeling certain and secure from your own experience, as well as from those certain (types) individuals that have been helped by your talents.

The truth is only the truth from a certain perspective. It's those that resonate with that truth that will be impacted the most from your talents and expertise.

Plus - brand New...

I've recently opened the doors to my brand new programme 'Monetise Your Message' to help coaches and service based entrepreneurs turn their business into an irresistible desirable offering, instead of rejected and overlooked. It focuses on ideal client clarity, finding your unique value proposition, and finding your irresistible marketing message. If you'd like to find out more details CLICK HERE

Sign up to my Expert Unrivalled Next-Level Academy for FREE &...

Gain full access to over 30 FREE video trainings and informative articles on client attraction & conversion, business mindset miracles and business alignment specially designed for Coaches, Consultants & Experts so you can become the most desired option in your niche.

About the author 

Jennifer Hall

Jen Hall is Business Clarity Coach for Coaches, Consultants & Experts who want to become Unrivalled Go-To Experts.

Jen not only gets you clear on your micro-niche, message and what makes you unique and desirable, but she helps you to define what makes you an irrefutable offer to the market so you can position yourself as a high-end 'must have' option for your prospects.

She is a Multi-Award Winning Speaker and Best Selling Author of Expert Unrivalled.

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