FREE Training Reveals

How my clients Sell High Ticket Services & Programmes in just 2 weeks (with integrity!)

- Even when the market is saturated & you don't know how to find High Ticket Buyers

Thur 24th March 2022 7pm UK Time

It's time to stop selling
our businesses short…

Selling at a higher price point in a market where many others are doing a similar thing to you can feel so overwhelming. You’re worrying  ‘why would they buy from me vs those others’ and ‘how am I going to get their attention with all the other marketing being thrown at them’?

Join me for This FREE
Masterclass Now!

If you're ready to find out how you can stand out and sell at the price point you deserve then join me for this informative masterclass & discover the path of easy high ticket selling!

Thur 24th March 7pm uk time

Who is Jen Hall? With over 18 years in business, Jen Hall is the co-owner of a industry leading adventure travel company. She’s also an award winning business coach, best selling author of the book ‘Expert Unrivalled’, and host of the ‘Expert Unrivalled Podcast’.

Today, Jen is widely considered the “go-to” expert for helping entrepreneurs and business owners dominate their markets, overcome their competition, and become industry leaders.

And don’t just take my word for it…

These are the strategies we've successfully used in both our own multi-million company and our clients businesses with huge success!

In this masterclass I'll reveal...

  • The shocking reason why thousands of experts and consultants are invisible to their clients (and how to fix it in minutes)
  • The three steps you need to take in order to successfully sell (with integrity) to your high paying ideal clients without them batting an eyelid.
  • How to bust through the high ticket myths that are currently standing in the way of you finding your 'ready to buy' high paying clients.